
Friday, March 1, 2013

Quit and give it up!

Why give up smoking? Here are six good reasons:
Reason one: Smoking is bad for your health!
25-a-day smokers are 25 times more likely to die of lung cancer than non-smokers, plus:
  • 83% of lung cancer deaths in England are smoking-related
  • 83% of deaths from bronchitis and emphysema in England are smoking-related
  • Smokers are more than twice as likely to die from coronary heart disease than non-smokers
Reason two: Smoking is bad for your looks!
It has been scientifically proven that smoking causes:
  • Premature ageing and wrinkling
  • Grey, parched skin
  • Hair loss
  • Gum disease and tooth loss
  • Increased cellulite
Reason three: Smoking is a slow poison
Did you know that there are about 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke? They include:
  • Tar (the stuff used to surface roads)
  • Carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas that kills)
  • Acetone (used in nail polish remover)
  • Ammonia (found in cleaning fluids)
  • Arsenic (a deadly poison)
  • Formaldehyde (preserves dead bodies)
  • Cyanide (another deadly poison)
Reason four: Smoking is bad for your sex life!
Research has proved that smoking increases the risk of impotence by around 50% for men in their 30s and 40s.

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