
Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to quit smoking

 The most obvious advantage of quitting smoking is that you can bring down your risk of getting various diseases, mostly of the heart and lungs. In fact, you can increase your life expectancy by getting rid of this habit as early as possible since smoking is one of the leading causes of death in adults. This itself ought to motivate you to get rid of this habit. However, what you'll also notice is a market improvement in your overall quality of life.
Right below we’ll give some advices on how to quit smoking:
Once you get over the initial stress brought upon by nicotine withdrawal, you will see a marked reduction in your overall stress levels. Your blood pressure levels will also normalize very quickly.
Like many people, you might fear that you will put on weight once you quit smoking, but what other people actually notice about you is that you look a lot better. For one, you will no longer be frowning or squinting because of pulling on a cigarette for long periods.
 Further, your skin tone will improve dramatically because your body will now get plenty of oxygen instead of toxic cigarette smoke. The other cosmetic benefit of quitting smoking is that you will not be exposing your skin to toxic smoke.
-Your teeth stop yellowing once you quit exposing them to tar you'll need to go to a dentist to brighten them well.You will smell better since your breath and clothes will no longer have a whiff of smoke.
 If you are a regular smoker then you are probably already spending hundreds of dollars every month because of your addiction. All this money will be yours the day you are able to quit smoking. Further, you will also notice that your doctors' bills come down since you will be a lot healthier than before. Even medical insurance policies will come to you cheaper if you are a non-smoker.
As you  see, the advantages of quitting smoking are too numerous and powerful to be ignored. Since life after smoking is clearly happier for you, you need to take efforts to quit this habit at the earliest. If you use the right method and get plenty of support then you will be able to stop smoking easily.

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