
Sunday, March 3, 2013

How to quit smoking nowdays

We are on 2013 now. Thousands of smokers, just a few days ago made a new years' resolution to quit smoking. Many have already forgotten and some will have failed.
The two important questions are why is it so hard to keep our resolutions and secondly how can you make it happen for you. For many people they get very excited about their resolution, so excited in fact that just thinking about it makes them feel good, for a while at least.
Then their resistance kicks in, the problems, the past failures, the fear the lack of self belief and sometimes the perceived benefits of smoking will override the need to quit.
There are a few things you can do to help yourself.
1. Revisit your resolution, and decide that it is really something that you want to do, at a conscious level.
2. Make a list of all the logical reasons for quitting, such as health and finance.
3. Make another list of all the reasons you want to keep smoking, and for each make a note of what it is it for you. e.g I enjoy smoking, because it relaxes me. OK so understand that if you can find another way to relax then smoking won't be of use to me anymore. Or I smoke when I'm stressed. So if you could create ways to manage stress then again you wouldn't need to smoke.
I encourage you to spend some time doing this as it will give you some clarity on why you are still smoking, plus you will realise that there are healthy ways to meet these same needs.
4. Decide to want more for yourself. Become absolutely dissatisfied with yourself as a smoker. Decide you deserve better than filling your body with toxic smoke.
5. Find someone to help you on this journey. Rapid change hypnosis is the fastest most effective way to let go of all your resistance, and to easily and simply embrace the new healthy alternatives which will give you all the emotional benefits which you thought that smoking was giving you.
The key to the above statement is the benefits which you thought smoking was giving you. Smoking and nicotine is just a great big con job. Smoking doesn't help you to relax or reduce stress or boredom or anything else.
Your brain has just been conned into thinking that you are benefiting, in fact the only thing that smoking does is destroy your health and burn your money. So take action and choose to make your resolutions work for you with the rapid change way.

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