
Monday, March 4, 2013

Free from Cigarette

Cigarette is an addicting substance that makes the user feel good: that's why it's so hard for people to quit smoking. However, a life free from tobacco is worth it. Below are some reasons why you should choose to eliminate tobacco from your life.
They who have successfully quit smoking earn a lot of respect from those around them. It certainly is a daunting task, and most who attempt it, unfortunately, do not succeed. However, this does not mean that it isn't worth attempting and that you can't follow through with it. The number one element that determines success or failure in quitting smoking is motivation and commitment. Keep pursuing your goal, reminding yourself of the consequences of smoking and rewarding your progress, and you will be able to find success.
Think about it: a non-smoker would find the taste of a smoker's lips revolting because they are not used to the heavy taste of tobacco. A lot of people who are looking for committed partnerships will also often look for someone who is healthy, and smoking jeopardizes longevity. If you quit smoking, you will become more attractive as a dating partner.
By quitting smoking, you will also benefit your friends. If you used to smoke around others during social functions, you have been clouding their lungs with tar at a rate higher than you have your own. If you quit smoking, you will not subject your friends to second-hand smoke any further, keeping them healthier longer.
Cigarettes are expensive, and the price to smoke a pack a day adds up quickly. Think about all of the money you could save if you quit smoking. If you estimate one pack a day at $4.00 a pack, in a year you'll be spending almost $1500. That's quite the spare change. If you quit smoking, you will have this money available to spend on other things that are important to you.
In order to stay successful, find something else that you enjoy doing that can fill the void left behind by cigarettes. If you become bored or find yourself without anything to do during times you used to smoke, you may be more inclined to give into old, comfortable habits. Fight that temptation by keeping yourself occupied.
Though you may think back to the times where you enjoyed cigarettes, it is important to keep that in the past. Do not try even one puff after you've successfully quit, because this can (and most likely will) lead to relapse. Remember that tobacco and nicotine are highly addictive, and it will not take long for your body to remember and crave those substances again. Do yourself a favor and limit any temptation.
If you do slip up, do not fear. In the pursuit of any goal, there will be obstacles and hardships to overcome. Instead of beating yourself up over messing up, think of it as an opportunity to develop new strategies and strengthen your resolve. Don't give up. Just stay motivated and focused, and you can succeed.

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