
Monday, March 4, 2013

Easy way how to quit smoking

A lot of people quit for the sake of their health. Smoking was banned from public places and most work spaces. Yet many people still smoke, even though they know the facts. If you are one of those people gathered in small groups outside a building, smokers on their break time, keeping up their habit but wishing they could stop, here are some tips for you.
Undoubtedly tried to quit but been unsuccessful. Don't be afraid to seek help. This may come from a support group of other smokers trying to quit, meeting weekly to discuss the habit and encourage each other in stopping. You may even find a more anonymous support group like this online. Much like Alcoholics Anonymous, support groups take the addiction seriously and have advice on how to stop a bad habit. It takes more than will power. Few people succeed in ending a bad habit without support from others.
Many  reach for a cigarette at a moment of stress. Smoking as a way of relieving stress becomes a part of the habit. That is why dealing with stress is important to your efforts to quit smoking. You need to find an alternative reaction to stress. Chewing nicotine gum may reduce cravings, but probably won't reduce your stress. Study what has been written about relieving stress through relaxation techniques, catch phrases known as "recovery sayings," meditation, and so on. Find something that works for you by intervening in your old habitual reactions, enabling you to set a different course.
Visit your doctor for help. He or she may write a prescription for a stronger medicine than the OTC ones to help you temporarily, while you are fighting your cravings for nicotine.
It is easier to fight off cravings when you are busily occupied. At work, smoking is associated with break time. Just quit going out with the smokers during your break. At home, you probably have plenty of chores to do that will keep you busy and deter you from smoking. Avoid the habit of smoking after dinner by going out for a walk instead. If you just slump into your easy chair after dinner, the temptation to smoke may be too great.
How you think about quitting can make a difference. Instead of seeing yourself as a sad and deprived person struggling to keep from doing something you like, consider the fact that by quitting you are doing something very good for yourself, something that will make your life better and also make people around you happy.
Talk to your friends who have quit smoking. Let them tell you about how much better they feel; how glad they are that they quit, and how they have even overcome any desire to smoke.
You know that you need to quit smoking for your health. Consider the tips given here and know that you really can succeed in quitting smoking.

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