
Friday, February 22, 2013

Quit Smoking, learn how!

If you want to quit smoking, you will need to learn about the few stages and steps to stop. This will help significantly because you will be able to assess your situation and know what the most probable remedy is.
1. Think about Quitting or Reducing
It goes without saying that a smoker will think of quitting after a while, or simply just reducing his smoking.
2. Changing Brands
Most smokers who wish to stop or reduce smoking will try changing brands. For example, he may try to smoke light cigarettes instead of reds, or maybe try cheaper brands.
3. Learn Ways to Stop the Habit
Smokers today will search for valuable information found on the internet that can help them.
4. Putting it in Motion
After they learn a few tips or methods on quitting, they will now try it out if it is suitable for them.
3 Steps to Quit Smoking
After a smoker finally finds a promising method, he will then find ways to suppress his urges. Here are a few steps that can help you get through the ordeal:
Step 1: Refrain from Smoking for a Day
Once you get this first hurdle, you will find yourself fighting with your urges. You will also experience some of the withdrawal symptoms after you stop smoking. However, after you get through this, you will have started the recovery process.
Step 2: Keep a Record
Keep a record of whenever you feel the urge, and how you handled it. This will help you feel better about your success of that moment and yourself.
Step 3: Develop Ways to Stop Your Cravings
There are many ways to suppress your urges that can be readily found on the internet. A common method of this is to set a substitute for cigarettes, such as fruits, mints, or candies. Another popular method is to keep yourself busy; distract yourself constantly so that the thought of smoking won't pop up in your head.
Once you get past the first few months, you won't be feeling the need to smoke as much anymore. However, be wary of the withdrawal symptoms that can cause you and those around you discomfort. In the end, just be proud of yourself because you have started to quit smoking; this will help you feel better about the task you are undertaking. Remember, you are not doing this only for yourself, but for your family as well.

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