
Friday, February 22, 2013

Methods to quit smoking

Whatever method you use to quit smoking, there are plenty of things you can do to try to make it easier.
  • Find a temporary substitute for smoking, such as chewing gum or drinking a glass of water each time you want a cigarette.
  • Change your routine to stay away from situations where you would usually have a cigarette. If you usually associate smoking with socialising, you might find it easier to stop if you don’t go to the pub for the first couple of weeks. If you smoke at work, it might be helpful if you tell your work colleagues that you’re stopping so they don’t invite you out for cigarette breaks during the day.
  • Know your triggers and stay away from them if possible. So if you usually have a cigarette with a glass of wine in the evening, try having a different drink or going out for a short walk instead.
  • Make a list of the reasons why you want to stop and carry it with you. Read through it when you have a craving and remind yourself why you’re stopping.
  • Set targets and reward yourself when you reach them. Why not save up the money you would have spent on cigarettes and use it to go out for dinner or even to pay for a holiday?
  • Remember that the only reason you feel better when you have a cigarette is because you're feeding your withdrawal symptoms.
Your body gets rid of nicotine in as little as 24 hours after your last cigarette. This means that your withdrawal symptoms can be intense for the first few days, but you will feel better after the third or fourth day. Trying to cut down gradually will increase how long this withdrawal process lasts.

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