
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quit it or kick it!

Smoking tobacco is both a psychological habit and a physical addiction. The act of smoking is ingrained as a daily ritual and, at the same time, the nicotine from cigarettes provides a temporary, and addictive, high. Eliminating that regular fix of nicotine will cause your body to experience physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings. To successfully quit smoking, you’ll need to address both the habit and the addiction by changing your behavior and dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Managing unpleasant feelings such as stress, depression, loneliness, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common reasons why adults smoke. When you have a bad day, it can seem like cigarettes are your only friend. Smoking can temporarily make feelings such as sadness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air. As much comfort as cigarettes provide, though, it’s important to remember that there are healthier (and more effective) ways to keep unpleasant feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, using sensory relaxation strategies, and practicing simple breathing exercises. 
For many people, an important aspect of quitting smoking is to find alternate ways to handle these difficult feelings without smoking. Even when cigarettes are no longer a part of your life, the painful and unpleasant feelings that may have prompted you to smoke in the past will still remain. So, it’s worth spending some time thinking about the different ways you intend to deal with stressful situations and the daily irritations that would normally have you reaching for a cigarette.

Quit Smoking - It Is Easy

Although  all the medical evidence behind the fact that smoking is injurious to our health, we can never actually convince ourselves to quit smoking. We all know that smoking leads to lung cancer and there is so much evidence that proves it. Not only by smoking do we put our own selves at risk, but also the lives of others through passive smoking. In fact, some studies say that passive smoking is actually more harmful than normal smoking since the smoke that is exhaled due to passive smoking is more dangerous than that which is inhaled from the cigarette. Moreover, passive smoking or active smoking can be dangerous for fetuses due to its effects on pregnant women. So we very well know that smoking is in the end very dangerous for everyone involved.
So why don't smokers quit? This is because of the psychological effects of smoking. It provides a temporary high that is used to deal with the problems in life. Feelings like depression, hopelessness, and anxiety can all effectively go away with smoking and one can feel at ease. So it enables us to forget our worries. But the catch here is that it is addictive and once we have gone for a certain period of time without smoking, we start suffering from withdrawal symptoms. These include feelings of anxiety, mood swings, hopelessness, and other psychological side effects. An interesting thing to note here is that it is actually these feelings that we want to get rid of in the first place and they come back to haunt us in a much bigger way! That actually explains in a way why it is actually so hard to quit smoking.
Garnering social support is a very important way to quit smoking. People who have been suffering from mental illnesses know that without social or family support, it is actually very difficult to be cured. The connection is made here because quitting smoking is in many ways a social exercise. Depression and anxiety are all psychological effects of this quest and it is very important that the family play a big role. In the context of mood swings, which are an important part of the effort, family support actually becomes more important. People who are trying to quit smoking tend to be moody but families should know that they are actually not themselves right now and practice more tolerance with them. Doing this together we can easily chuck this bad habit forever.

Quit Smoking, learn how!

If you want to quit smoking, you will need to learn about the few stages and steps to stop. This will help significantly because you will be able to assess your situation and know what the most probable remedy is.
1. Think about Quitting or Reducing
It goes without saying that a smoker will think of quitting after a while, or simply just reducing his smoking.
2. Changing Brands
Most smokers who wish to stop or reduce smoking will try changing brands. For example, he may try to smoke light cigarettes instead of reds, or maybe try cheaper brands.
3. Learn Ways to Stop the Habit
Smokers today will search for valuable information found on the internet that can help them.
4. Putting it in Motion
After they learn a few tips or methods on quitting, they will now try it out if it is suitable for them.
3 Steps to Quit Smoking
After a smoker finally finds a promising method, he will then find ways to suppress his urges. Here are a few steps that can help you get through the ordeal:
Step 1: Refrain from Smoking for a Day
Once you get this first hurdle, you will find yourself fighting with your urges. You will also experience some of the withdrawal symptoms after you stop smoking. However, after you get through this, you will have started the recovery process.
Step 2: Keep a Record
Keep a record of whenever you feel the urge, and how you handled it. This will help you feel better about your success of that moment and yourself.
Step 3: Develop Ways to Stop Your Cravings
There are many ways to suppress your urges that can be readily found on the internet. A common method of this is to set a substitute for cigarettes, such as fruits, mints, or candies. Another popular method is to keep yourself busy; distract yourself constantly so that the thought of smoking won't pop up in your head.
Once you get past the first few months, you won't be feeling the need to smoke as much anymore. However, be wary of the withdrawal symptoms that can cause you and those around you discomfort. In the end, just be proud of yourself because you have started to quit smoking; this will help you feel better about the task you are undertaking. Remember, you are not doing this only for yourself, but for your family as well.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Smoker's Story

I used  smoke before and my life then was considered a mess. I smoke a lot and I drink a lot and I never want to stop smoking. I never care for my health and what other people might think of me. The only thing I care about is how I can get myself some cigars every minute. I started smoking when I was 15 and at that young age I never knew that smoking could be so addictive and because of some friends that I knew back then they were the ones who taught me how to smoke.
At first it was just for fun and I just want to fit in with my friends. But later on it had become my hobby, my vitamins and my life. I thought I could never live without smoke so I always made sure that I have money to buy smoke. It was my last year in college when I noticed something different in my body, I started to feel weak and I always get dizzy and headaches. When I went for a check the doctor found out that I have a weak lungs and my liver is not functioning well.
I asked the doctor why and what causes my condition and he's answer struck me by surprise. It was all because of smoking. When I heard that news from the doctor I don't know what to say and I could not even look at the doctor in front of me. I was a bit shy and I feel so ashamed of myself. When I arrived at home I saw the cigarettes on my table and the ashes all over the floor. That was the time that I said to myself I should stop smoking. I need to change and I need to have my healthy body again if I want to live more.
I used to dream of having a happy family but how can I do it if I will die young and I will not stop smoking. That is the reason why I stop smoking after long years of smoking. It is not easy but I tried my best for the sake of my health and my future. I just want to live and I want to have a happy family in my future. I never want my kids to see me in this condition and I don't want them to be as I was before. This is how I opened my eyes and stop smoking for good.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Smoker’s surgery implications

 If there aren't already enough reasons for quitting smoking, then here is a big one. If you need surgery there is a high likely hood that you will either be refused or sent to the back of the medical queue.
The reason is simple; most hospitals in the western world are already overloaded with elective surgery requests. A simple way to trim the list is to exclude smokers. In some cases such as heart surgery, it makes sense.
The harsh truth is that smokers will have a lower recovery success rate with heart surgery than non smokers. Because a process of massive oxidation occurs during this surgery, often Co enzyme Q 10 is given to prevent this problem, but smoking just makes this process worse.
Other surgery such as shoulder surgery doesn't have the same risks but many doctors simply adopt the view that smokers don't care for themselves so why should they be given any form of preference.
There are purely logical reasons as well. Smoking is a stress on your body. Stress causes your immune system to become less efficient. Hospitals are places where all kinds of bugs exist, plus surgery places an even greater strain on your immune system.
Sorry smokers but it's just more bad news for you, but smoking creates worse surgical outcomes.
When you enter hospital you want your immune system to be at its best, you want the medical staff to be completely on your side, and they will appreciate the fact that you have quit smoking to help yourself.
Plus you want your body to be able to recover as quickly and as well as possible. All that remains is for you to quit smoking.
The easiest way to do it is to use rapid change hypnosis to permanently rid you of all the old physical and emotional connection to smoking.
A good therapist can also help you to overcome any fears related to your surgery, because as you now know, fear reduces your immune response.
Hypnosis is a gentle successful way to make you a non smoker and not just an ex smoker. There is a vast difference, the ex smoker is always just a moment away from smoking again, they look at people smoking and are envious.