
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Smoking kills

It is essential to understand that cigarettes are made to be addictive

  and to become a real focus of the individual’s day to day life. This is the reason that they are so hard to eliminate, but with a good support network and the will to quit, it is possible. It is a good idea to focus on the benefits of quitting that include great improvements in the overall health and even huge financial savings too.\

Monday, March 4, 2013


Smoking first of all takes place in a time of not full consciousness,  then it turns in a bad habit unfortunately, causing us undesired moments in our life, health and environmental areas.
People see every day life, usually when they go to public places the sign “No Smoking”, but why there are so many smokers in the world? I mentioned in the beginning that smokers,   when they start with the cigarettes they do not  know  indeed the real essence of it.
It is well known that the smoke is dangerous for the human health, that is even logically speaking and people often ignore this fact and just after they are used to it see the need of quitting it. Here now is another need of helping others getting rid of bad habits, in this case smoking.
Knowing all the disadvantages of smoking and that it is not  a  good thing, people basically must be aware of not starting with it at all, bat if they happen to start consuming tobacco and being smokers in the future, they now should be treated with proper ways and also be helped by others to quit it, because together we can resist more even  we fail once.   So we should always care of our health and the health of others around us.     

Free from Cigarette

Cigarette is an addicting substance that makes the user feel good: that's why it's so hard for people to quit smoking. However, a life free from tobacco is worth it. Below are some reasons why you should choose to eliminate tobacco from your life.
They who have successfully quit smoking earn a lot of respect from those around them. It certainly is a daunting task, and most who attempt it, unfortunately, do not succeed. However, this does not mean that it isn't worth attempting and that you can't follow through with it. The number one element that determines success or failure in quitting smoking is motivation and commitment. Keep pursuing your goal, reminding yourself of the consequences of smoking and rewarding your progress, and you will be able to find success.
Think about it: a non-smoker would find the taste of a smoker's lips revolting because they are not used to the heavy taste of tobacco. A lot of people who are looking for committed partnerships will also often look for someone who is healthy, and smoking jeopardizes longevity. If you quit smoking, you will become more attractive as a dating partner.
By quitting smoking, you will also benefit your friends. If you used to smoke around others during social functions, you have been clouding their lungs with tar at a rate higher than you have your own. If you quit smoking, you will not subject your friends to second-hand smoke any further, keeping them healthier longer.
Cigarettes are expensive, and the price to smoke a pack a day adds up quickly. Think about all of the money you could save if you quit smoking. If you estimate one pack a day at $4.00 a pack, in a year you'll be spending almost $1500. That's quite the spare change. If you quit smoking, you will have this money available to spend on other things that are important to you.
In order to stay successful, find something else that you enjoy doing that can fill the void left behind by cigarettes. If you become bored or find yourself without anything to do during times you used to smoke, you may be more inclined to give into old, comfortable habits. Fight that temptation by keeping yourself occupied.
Though you may think back to the times where you enjoyed cigarettes, it is important to keep that in the past. Do not try even one puff after you've successfully quit, because this can (and most likely will) lead to relapse. Remember that tobacco and nicotine are highly addictive, and it will not take long for your body to remember and crave those substances again. Do yourself a favor and limit any temptation.
If you do slip up, do not fear. In the pursuit of any goal, there will be obstacles and hardships to overcome. Instead of beating yourself up over messing up, think of it as an opportunity to develop new strategies and strengthen your resolve. Don't give up. Just stay motivated and focused, and you can succeed.

Easy way how to quit smoking

A lot of people quit for the sake of their health. Smoking was banned from public places and most work spaces. Yet many people still smoke, even though they know the facts. If you are one of those people gathered in small groups outside a building, smokers on their break time, keeping up their habit but wishing they could stop, here are some tips for you.
Undoubtedly tried to quit but been unsuccessful. Don't be afraid to seek help. This may come from a support group of other smokers trying to quit, meeting weekly to discuss the habit and encourage each other in stopping. You may even find a more anonymous support group like this online. Much like Alcoholics Anonymous, support groups take the addiction seriously and have advice on how to stop a bad habit. It takes more than will power. Few people succeed in ending a bad habit without support from others.
Many  reach for a cigarette at a moment of stress. Smoking as a way of relieving stress becomes a part of the habit. That is why dealing with stress is important to your efforts to quit smoking. You need to find an alternative reaction to stress. Chewing nicotine gum may reduce cravings, but probably won't reduce your stress. Study what has been written about relieving stress through relaxation techniques, catch phrases known as "recovery sayings," meditation, and so on. Find something that works for you by intervening in your old habitual reactions, enabling you to set a different course.
Visit your doctor for help. He or she may write a prescription for a stronger medicine than the OTC ones to help you temporarily, while you are fighting your cravings for nicotine.
It is easier to fight off cravings when you are busily occupied. At work, smoking is associated with break time. Just quit going out with the smokers during your break. At home, you probably have plenty of chores to do that will keep you busy and deter you from smoking. Avoid the habit of smoking after dinner by going out for a walk instead. If you just slump into your easy chair after dinner, the temptation to smoke may be too great.
How you think about quitting can make a difference. Instead of seeing yourself as a sad and deprived person struggling to keep from doing something you like, consider the fact that by quitting you are doing something very good for yourself, something that will make your life better and also make people around you happy.
Talk to your friends who have quit smoking. Let them tell you about how much better they feel; how glad they are that they quit, and how they have even overcome any desire to smoke.
You know that you need to quit smoking for your health. Consider the tips given here and know that you really can succeed in quitting smoking.

For Pregnant Smokers

No matter how far you are, it’s never too late to quit smoking.
To stop smoking before you get pregnant or as soon as you find out you are is best, but quitting at any time has benefits for you and your baby. Once you stop smoking, all kinds of good things happen for your baby:
  • Quitting increases the amount of oxygen your baby will get. You’ll be helping your baby develop and grow properly.
  • Quitting increases the chances your baby’s lungs will work well.
  • Quitting lowers the risk that your baby will be born prematurely or too early.
  • Quitting decreases your chances of having a low birth weight baby.
  • Quitting lowers the risk of having a miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • And it increases the chances that your baby will come home from the hospital with you.
  • You’ll have more energy.
  • Quitting will save you lots of money that you can spend on other things.
  • Quitting will make your clothes, hair and home smell better.
  • Your food will taste better.
  • And perhaps more than anything, you’ll feel great knowing what an important thing you’ve done for yourself and your baby.
If you’re worried about weight gain, remember, putting on some pounds during pregnancy is normal. Which makes now an ideal time to quit. The weight you gain is far less harmful than the risk to you and your baby from smoking.

A story about smoke quiting

When I woke up the second day of quitting smoking at eight o’clock, I was relieved that I made it through the first day. The first week of quitting smoking is the week that most individuals fail while quitting smoking. I knew that half of smokers that try to quit smoking fail before the first week’s end. I realized that I made it through the first of the seven hardest days. I made it through the hardest day… Or, so I thought.
As for the cravings and urges, the nicotine patch helped control this. The cravings and urges were not as strong as the first day, but very much existed. I started to grind my teeth a little bit more, began the thoughts of how great a cigarette would be, but did not give in to the urge. I kept reminding myself that a cigarette was no longer an option. I had to find a way to get through this day without a cigarette.
It was eleven o’clock now, had a cup of coffee, watched a little television, and tried to distract myself from the thoughts of smoking a cigarette. I took a lot of deep breathes and it worked for a little. But it did not work for that long. So I had to find more ways to distract myself. I started cleaning my house, trying to distract my urges and cravings for a cigarette.
I knew it took three days for nicotine to drastically leave the body. I knew that I would have to get through the first three days of strong urges, cravings for a cigarette, and the constant thoughts of smoking. I knew this would be a challenge, but I knew that I would be able to get through it. No one ever said that quitting smoking would be simple, but I knew I had to for my health, my future, and my overall well-being.
I kept thinking of my Uncle who had died from fifty years of smoking…I thought about my friend who died of lung cancer…I realized that I needed to quit before I would become a statistic for a smoking death. Close to half million Americans die from smoking-related deaths per year. I wanted to make sure that I was not part of that statistic. Smoking cigarettes was no longer an option!
After seventy-two hours of quitting smoking, almost all of the nicotine will be released from your body. Unfortunately, it was only on the second day, the first forty-eight hours, and I had one more to go. From the research that I did before my quit date, I knew the cravings and urges would be more pronounced during the first three days, then slowly decrease.
Unfortunately, my lungs were still hurting from yesterday. My lungs hurt every time I took a breath, my back and chest hurt. I knew my lungs were trying to expand, but they were restricted by my smoking for so many years. The best way to explain how my lungs felt by using this example: when you sit in a room for thirty minutes with the lights off and then quickly turn on the lights. Your eyes have trouble seeing for a while, until your eyes are use to the light. Your lungs have been restricted for so long by smoking and they need a little help to get use to breathing freely.
So I decided to start doing some breathing exercises that would help. I inhaled slowly, held my breath for a few seconds, and then exhaled slowly. I did this repeatedly throughout the day to help with the pain and help with the expanding of my lungs. It helped a little and got a little easier to breathe.
Not only did my lungs hurt, but I also had one more problem that started on the second day of quitting smoking. My stomach started to hurt and felt like it doubled in size. The nicotine in my system is being released and trying to exit from every part of my body. I started getting the unbearable pain that made eating and drinking anything difficult. I could not take it!
I reached for a few antacids that helped a little. My stomach felt so bloated and sensitive, I tried to keep my diet simple until the nicotine left my system. I stuck to a high fiber, high protein diet for the time being until my system felt better. I stayed away from any fried foods and sweets until I felt better.
Day two of quitting smoking had its ups and downs, but what matters the most is that it was a successful day. I made it through the second day without smoking. Even though my lungs were hurting and my stomach was bloated, I did not have a cigarette. I knew my stomach and my lungs would eventually feel better once the nicotine and carbon monoxide were removed from my system.
With everything that I was feeling, I realized my body was healing and getting back to normal. I knew that I never wanted to repeat this process again so I continued to tell myself that cigarettes were no longer a choice. My choice is to have a healthy body that will never go through the abuse that put it through for eighteen years.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ho to Quit Smoking Habit

The single most important thing you can do is to quit smoking by improving your health and appearance. Eventually your health prospects may be the same as those of someone who has never smoked.
Your health may be your primary motivation to give up but there are other important reasons to quit such as considerations for your family or even your physical appearance. Also, the money you save by not smoking could lead to major improvements in your lifestyle.

People who stop smoking before the age of 35 avoid 90% of the health risks attributable to tobacco and on average, smokers who stop before their 50th birthday halve their risk of dying in the next 15 years, compared to those who continue.
You probably associate second-hand smoke with minor conditions like eye irritations, headaches, cough, sore throat, dizziness or nausea, but it is estimated that a number of people die each year from passive smoking in Ireland.

Breathing in someone else's smoke has been implicated in all these health problems:

Heart disease,  Reduced fertility, Asthma exacerbation, Stroke, Lung disease, Decreased lung function

You know that helping a member of your family to quit their smoking habit is the best way to improve their health and protect your future together.

The truth is that up to 97% of people who try to stop smoking without help don't make it.

The prime reason for failure is a lack of commitment.

There are a number of key areas where your influence can really make the difference between success and failure.

Here are some of the health benefits that you can expect to enjoy from the moment you give up.

20 Minutes:
Your blood pressure and pulse return to normal and circulation improves in your hands and feet.

12 Hours:
Nicotine and poisonous carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by half, your blood oxygen levels return to normal.

24 Hours:
Carbon monoxide is eliminated from your body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

Within 48 Hours:
There is no nicotine left in your body. Your sense of taste and smell are greatly improved.

Within 72 Hours:
Your breathing becomes easier. Your airways begin to relax and energy levels increase.

Within 1 Week:
Your heart is pumping more oxygen-rich blood around your body.

Within 2 Weeks:
You are putting less strain on your heart. The longer you go without smoking, the better your heart and blood vessels will be.

Within 4 Weeks:

Smoking actually ages you by damaging your skin and giving you more wrinkles - by now the damage has stopped.

Within 6 Weeks:
Your heart, circulation, lungs, skin, teeth, sense of taste and smell have all improved.

Within 8 Weeks:
Your bones are getting stronger, more dense and less brittle. This reduces the risk of fractures.

Within 10 Weeks:

Your skin is getting smoother, your hair is healthier - you may even have a whiter smile.

Within 12 Weeks:
Your heart is more healthy, your airways are clearer - you're pumping more blood around your body.

Around 4 months:
Your cough, wheezing and breathing improves as your lung function has increased by up to 10%.

Your risk of a heart attack will have fallen to about half that of a smoker.

Your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.


Your risk of heart attack is now the same as someone who has never smoked.

Having a look at the days and months ahead now means you'll be much better prepared. You'll be able to plan ahead, identify the things that keep you going - and remind yourself of the reasons you're quitting in the first place.

 As you know now quitting smoking may be one of your greatest achievements.

The benefits of quitting smoking are enormous and quitting smoking is probably the best thing that you can do for your health. However, the most important factor in being successful is wanting to quit and being motivated to do so.