The single most important thing you
can do is to quit smoking by improving your health and appearance. Eventually
your health prospects may be the same as those of someone who has never smoked.
Your health may be your primary motivation to give up but there are other important reasons to quit such as considerations for your family or even your physical appearance. Also, the money you save by not smoking could lead to major improvements in your lifestyle.
People who stop smoking before the age of 35 avoid 90% of the health risks attributable to tobacco and on average, smokers who stop before their 50th birthday halve their risk of dying in the next 15 years, compared to those who continue.
You probably associate second-hand smoke with minor conditions like eye irritations, headaches, cough, sore throat, dizziness or nausea, but it is estimated that a number of people die each year from passive smoking in Ireland.
Your health may be your primary motivation to give up but there are other important reasons to quit such as considerations for your family or even your physical appearance. Also, the money you save by not smoking could lead to major improvements in your lifestyle.
People who stop smoking before the age of 35 avoid 90% of the health risks attributable to tobacco and on average, smokers who stop before their 50th birthday halve their risk of dying in the next 15 years, compared to those who continue.
You probably associate second-hand smoke with minor conditions like eye irritations, headaches, cough, sore throat, dizziness or nausea, but it is estimated that a number of people die each year from passive smoking in Ireland.
Breathing in someone else's smoke has been implicated in all these health problems:
Heart disease, Reduced fertility, Asthma exacerbation, Stroke,
Lung disease, Decreased lung function
You know that helping a member of your family to quit their smoking habit is the best way to improve their health and protect your future together.
The truth is that up to 97% of people who try to stop smoking without help don't make it.
The prime reason for failure is a lack of commitment.
There are a number of key areas where your influence can really make the difference between success and failure.
You know that helping a member of your family to quit their smoking habit is the best way to improve their health and protect your future together.
The truth is that up to 97% of people who try to stop smoking without help don't make it.
The prime reason for failure is a lack of commitment.
There are a number of key areas where your influence can really make the difference between success and failure.

20 Minutes:
Your blood pressure and pulse return to normal and circulation improves in your hands and feet.
12 Hours:
Nicotine and poisonous carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by half, your blood oxygen levels return to normal.
24 Hours:
Carbon monoxide is eliminated from your body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
Within 48 Hours:
There is no nicotine left in your body. Your sense of taste and smell are greatly improved.
Within 72 Hours:
Your breathing becomes easier. Your airways begin to relax and energy levels increase.
Within 1 Week:
Your heart is pumping more oxygen-rich blood around your body.
Within 2 Weeks:
You are putting less strain on your heart. The longer you go without smoking, the better your heart and blood vessels will be.
Within 4 Weeks:
Smoking actually ages you by damaging your skin and giving you more wrinkles - by now the damage has stopped.
Within 6 Weeks:
Your heart, circulation, lungs, skin, teeth, sense of taste and smell have all improved.
Within 8 Weeks:
Your bones are getting stronger, more dense and less brittle. This reduces the risk of fractures.
Within 10 Weeks:
Your skin is getting smoother, your hair is healthier - you may even have a whiter smile.
Within 12 Weeks:
Your heart is more healthy, your airways are clearer - you're pumping more blood around your body.
Around 4 months:
Your cough, wheezing and breathing improves as your lung function has increased by up to 10%.
Your risk of a heart attack will have fallen to about half that of a smoker.
Your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.
Your risk of heart attack is now the same as someone who has never smoked.
Having a look at the days and months ahead now means you'll be much better prepared. You'll be able to plan ahead, identify the things that keep you going - and remind yourself of the reasons you're quitting in the first place.
The benefits of quitting smoking are enormous and quitting smoking is probably the best thing that you can do for your health. However, the most important factor in being successful is wanting to quit and being motivated to do so.
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